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Never too late
Its not too late to learn


The name is Nabilah. Index number 11 . And welcome to my literature blog .


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January 2011
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Has there ever been a time in your life when someone told you that something improbable would happen and it did ? Did the fact that the event was " predicted " cause you to behave differently that you would have otherwise and make it more likely for the event to occur ? Or did the event seem to occur without any assistance from you ?

It was like any ordinary day . I was walking along the void deck to walk back to my house from school . I was feeling real down that day . Practically because nothing was right . I messed up the whole day . So , as i was walking along the void decks , i bumped into a lady who was carrying groceries . It was by accident , as i tripped over a rock and bump into her . I gave her an apologetic face , as well as apologised . After that , i walked away . That was when she called me . I went to her . She said , " You're gonna get killed " . I gave her a question mark face and walked away . I did not believe her one bit however , i took precautions . I simply did not believe it as life and death lies in the hands of god only . Who else would know when you will die ? The whole day , i was cautious . After subsequent days , i forgot all about the lady and her words . Until one day , I was suppose to meet a friend and i was very late . I was walking towards Woodlands Mart and since the traffic light was far , i decided to jay walk . " Beep ! " exclaimed the horn of a car . At that instant , all i thought of was the lady . I was almost knocked down and could have been killed . However , it seemed to me that i was almost killed due to my carelessness and not because of what the lady said . Whatever the lady said did not have nay effect on me . Therefore , i feel that whatever people tell us , we should not be affected in anyway . As we do not know if we can trust that person .

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:04 AM

In todays litearaute lesson , I learnt about cinquain and haiku . Cinquain consist of 5 lines . The first line consist of the noun . The second line consist of 2 adjective . The third line consist of 3 gerunds . The fourth line consist of 1 short complete sentence . TWhile the last line consist of  a synonym for the first line , noun . This is how my cinquain goes :
Nabilah .
Young . Shy .
Singing . Dancing . Reading .
I am amazing just the way I am .
Teenager .
A haiku is however , Is a form of japanese poety . It is a three lined poery of 5 ,  7 , 5 syllabus respectively . In my opinion , writing a cinquain is absolute fun and I thank Miss Malyanah for teaching me this . Reason being that , through cinquain , I can express myself about things in a creative way . I do not have to just stick to writing poems or songs to express myself . I would like to learn whether there are other types of way to express myself as well as whether Shakespeare or any other poet had wrote a cinquain before . I enjoyed myself in literature today . (:

♥our lips must always be sealed
4:43 AM