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Never too late
Its not too late to learn


The name is Nabilah. Index number 11 . And welcome to my literature blog .


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Friday, February 11, 2011

In the previous Literature lesson , we recapped the summary of Macbeth , act 1 scene 2 . Firstly , King Duncan met up with the captian who came from the war . Next , they talked about the war and the bloody man . In the war ,  Macdonwald was defeated by Macbeth . Following that , they talked about the new enemy , which is the Norweigian King . And so the second war began between the new enemy . Macbeth then won the second and the captain was badly injured . In the end , the Norwegian King decided to have a treaty with the opposite party wherby he has to pay them $10 000 to bury his men . Not being able to bury his own men who fought hard for him is actually an act of dishonour .

Miss Malyanah had told us the whole story of Macbeth . Therefore I feel that respect is important in war . Eventhough in war your aim is to bring down the other party , after the war , you should allow the opposite pary to bury his own men . Another thing is , you should let nature take its own course . This is another part of the story which Miss Malyanah told us . No point forcing things into and end up doing the wrong things as good will beat evil . Evil never wins .

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:49 AM