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Never too late
Its not too late to learn


The name is Nabilah. Index number 11 . And welcome to my literature blog .


Meet the people I love♥

2 Respect lit blogs


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
August 2011
September 2011



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Thursday, August 25, 2011

My favorite character is Belle from Beauty and the Beast . Belle is a  strong, intelligent, spirited and independent young woman . She is also a matured thinking girl who looks beyond the surface and into the heart of someone . In other words , she is not a judgmental person . She does not judge people based on what she sees . Belle is a strong believer . Although she had to live with the Beast and leave her father , she knew that it was for the best and that she would be back with her father someday , which she did . Other than that , she always looks on the bright sight of life . Even though she was going to live with some fierce looking stranger , she did not think of the negative impacts . She thought positive and enjoyed her stay there . She accepted the beast for who he is and does not ask him or force him to change for her sake . That is one of the main reasons why i love Belle . Because of these character trait of hers , kind-hearted , loving , matured , non-judgmental , and optimistic , she got her happy ending in the end . 

People say that I am actually a strong and independent matured girl living her life full of dreams and goals . In my opinion , i am the exact opposite of Belle sometimes , but most of the times I am just like Belle . I do not like to judge people from what I see or what i hear . I would choose to look into a person's heart before judging them . I am a strong believer . Honestly , I am . Although sometimes it seems to others that I am unable to hold on and I am going to break down , in my heart , i would force myself to hang in there and continue believing . I am a person who would accept someone for who that person is and would not force them to change , as i love everyone just the way they are .

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:06 AM

Friday, August 12, 2011

Honestly , i feel that unseen poetry is hard to understand . So far , i have learnt the imaginative and figurative devices , sound devices and diction and sentence structures . I understand the terms , and i can extract them out from poetry , but i have a hard time giving my comment about it . However , i am getting the hang of it through frequent practice . For instance , when I talk to Hanisah , she would mention some literary device in my speaking . Unseen poetry , however , is very fun to read and to analyze .

-Nabilah .

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:35 AM

So far , my group has done most of our props , some line rehearsel , and gone to find our costume . We did the backdrops , only 2 types so far . The sword for Tybalt , and basically , thats all . We have rehearsed our line so many times , especially the Romeo and Juliet scene , as we believe its important . We have only found Juliet , Nurse and the party guest's costumes . 

The current situation , is that we are doing more props , but due to all our busy and tight schedule , we have decided to split up and do different things . Like if one day , only 5 people can make it to the meeting , thery will do what they can . The rest would meet up another day to do other stuffs . We are not focusing so much on our lines , other than the kissing scene , as it still needs improvement . We have asked the costume IC to find suitable costumes for the rest of the characters . Some of us would tag along to discuss and make the appropriate choice too . We would try and ask the one whose playing the piano , to rehearse at the house or even , the back of the hall , or music room , where there is a piano . 

The acting has to have more emotions , especially the crucial parts like when Tybalt is arguing with Capulet and when Romeo meets Juliet . Basically , its everything that is important . During the dry run , we did not add in the dance part as we have not figured out the dance steps . We took a long time in trying to figure out the dance steps as we did not want to do a dance , similar to other groups . And therefore , now , we have figured out a simpler dance step that not only doesn't copy other groups , but its short and sweet too . However , we can definitely improve on our dance as well . Like , not to be shy with each other . We must open up a little for the 70% for End of year examinations . We need to work out more on our spacing , and intonation when we speak . We must also really understand the role that we are handling . This is because , when we understand our roles , we can speak and really be in their shoes . We would start talking and acting like them . The spacing as , we must make full use of the whole space given and ensure that eventhough there are characters at the back , it doesn't distract and make the audiences lose focus on the main characters .

-Nabilah .

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:22 AM