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Never too late
Its not too late to learn


The name is Nabilah. Index number 11 . And welcome to my literature blog .


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2 Respect lit blogs


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January 2011
February 2011
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September 2011



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Thursday, September 1, 2011

The purpose of the author to choose a mixed race couple is to promote racial harmony and that we should not look down on other races or despise them , or even be upset that our own race is marrying another race . Its not the skin colour that matters . When it comes to a lifetime commitment , its the heart that really matters and other aspects like race should not be a problem . If thats the case , then right now , probably , we Singaporeans would be confined and limited to make friends , as we can only make friends of our own race and that is really miserable .

The reason why the author concentrates on the bad traits of a person , is that , people are only remembered for their bad traits instead of good ones . Although , sometimes , people are remembered for their good traits , Mother Teresa as an example , majority of the people are remembered for their bad traits . Honestly, i believe that , this is all human nature . People only remember you for what you did wrong , rather than what you did right , and this is what i am trying to emphasis , and this is also why the author concentrates on the bad traits instead .

Yes , through this advertisement , it is effective to promote family values . It managed to have an impact on me . It teaches me to treasure my family members while their still with me and that , every single things they do , make a difference . When one day they are absent in our life , only then would we realise that those little things they do , can still be remembered , and mostly , those mistakes they make are what we remembered .

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:08 AM